Friday, November 15, 2013

Kristy's Check In!

So I've been reprimanded by Erika for not posting (or emailing) her my goals for these 3 weeks.  Although I did tell her what they were, but apparently she didn't deem them important enough to remember :).  Here they are:
         Weight:  Lose 2 lbs
         Wellness: Make it to CX class every Wednesday and Friday (except the Friday after       Thanksgiving since we will be out of town!)  And then either stay for Body Combat OR run on the   treadmill OR spin.

Here's how I've done so far- Great!  My weight is down .6 lbs, (but really that's only because I didn't meet my goal for the previous 3 weeks).  And I made it to CX and Body Combat both Friday and Wednesday.  I need to be more diligent in my food planning again and that will help with the weight loss. 

I've realized that it's really hard to make good food choices when I'm super busy and super stressed.  It's been really hard this week with everything I have going on, but I just need to prioritize a little more and I think I can do it.  The great thing about this challenge is that we are never too far behind.  We can always make a difference and start fresh.  I do feel like I've been challenging my body a little more these past two weeks (super sore muscles!) and I think that will eventually make an impact on the scale (or at least on how my jeans fit). 

Good luck to everyone!  Stick with it, you can do it!!!

Friday, November 8, 2013

30 Day Ab Challenge


I am happy to report that I was able to meet both my wellness and weight goal for the last three weeks. I am going to make a change on my weight goal for the next three weeks. I don't think it would be realistic to lose another 6 lbs especially with thanksgiving and being in Utah during that extended weekend. I am going to change my weight goal to 4 lbs. My wellness goal will be to continue with my food log but I am going to do the ab challenge instead of the plank challenge. If you want to know what that is and maybe join along here is the link:

Thursday, November 7, 2013


Hello everyone! I am emailing this and posting this on the blog. No one is really utilizing the blog very much. I am assuming it is because we are all so busy. Tomorrow is the first official MUST check in. Three weeks have already gone by. Hope everyone has done well on their goals. Tomorrow I will need to hear from each of you about your wellness goals and what your current weight is.

Friday, November 1, 2013


Check in Time

Yes, yesterday was Halloween and it was tough to stay away from the candy. I didn't think I did too bad. I was much worse with my eating last weekend. I was really good Mon., Tues., and Wed., but it wasn't enough to make up for how bad I did on the other days. So at my weigh in this morning I was up 1/2 pound. That means I have to lose 3 lbs this next week or I lose some $. I also missed two days on my food log (really two half days) so again I have to be perfect with logging my food.

Check in everyone!!!!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Hang In There!!

First week everyone worked hard and did well. Week two is always hard. I hit the wall this weekend and ate way too much stuff! Your body really starts to notice that you aren't eating as much. Last week it didn't care (so much) but this week it thinks you are starving it. Now comes the first Holiday test Halloween. All of that candy is going to be tempting. Remember our goal is not to torture ourselves but to help develop healthier habits. Is it ok to eat a piece or two of candy? Heck ya! Just don't eat the whole bag. Be realistic and decide before hand how much you can have on Halloween night and then stick to your decision.
Good Luck!